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Das Bistum Eichstätt

rund 6025 qkm
1.000.406 Einwohner
davon 359.837 Katholiken (Stand: 31. Dezember 2022)

8 Dekanate
74 Pastoralräume
274 Pfarreien (einschl. anderer Seelsorgezentren)

The diocese of Eichstätt is among the smaller ones of Germany's 27 dioceses. It is situated in the heart of Bavaria and borders the dioceses of Augsburg (in the south and west), Bamberg (in the north), and Regensburg (in the east). Four of Bavaria's districts - Upper Bavaria, Swabia, Central Franconia, and Upper Palatinate - converge on the territory of the diocese of Eichstätt.

The first bishop of Eichstätt was Willibald who received episcopal ordination from Boniface in the year of 741. He and his sister Walburga are the patrons of the diocese. Since 1980 the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, which is the only Catholic university in a German-speaking country, has been headquartered in Eichstätt.

Diocese Medal in recognition of honorary office

The Diocese Medal is a symbol of recognition that can be awarded for extraordinary honorary efforts mainly and primarily at diocesan level. The medal - in a golden and a silver version - is awarded by the bishop.