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Orden und Kongregationen

Orders and Congregations

Dear readers,

for centuries religious orders have been influencing our history and culture. The Christian message must be interpreted in the light of the times. This is, especially in our secular society, a big challenge and equally an indispensable mission!

A variety of religious orders, congregations and religious communities have establishments within the diocese of Eichstätt.

The diversity of charisms in our diocese is evidenced by large abbeys and convents on the one hand and small communities on the other. Despite all their differences they are all centers of spiritual life, places where the love of God and the charity between people who live according to the evangelic counsels can be seen and experienced.

Like all baptisted, religious should "always have [an] answer ready for people who ask [them] the reason for the hope that [they] have", 1 Peter 3:15.

The Office for Religious promotes what Pope Francis recommends to all faithful:

" The salvation which God offers us is the work of his mercy. (...) He sends his Spirit into our hearts to make us his children, transforming us and enabling us to respond to his love by our lives." (Evangelii gaudium 112)

The purpose of the Office for Religious is to be the connection between the leadership of the diocese and the individual orders and religious communities within the diocese. The contact to deaneries and parishes in the diocese enables the establishment of sustainable networks.

The responsibilities of the Office for Religious are:

  • Organising and conducting offers for religious Christians of all ages, e.g. the Day of the Order, at request visits and talks in individual communities
  • Preparation and organisation of encounters for younger religious and the creation of opportunities for exchange
  • Passing current announcements of the church on to the communities
  • Cooperation with the individual offices of the episcopal chancery, especially the Office of Religious Exercise and the diocese's Vocations of the Church department
  • Maintaining contact with the Offices for Religious of other dioceses

In this sense I am looking forward to diverse encounters with you.

Sr M. Bernadette Gevich OSF