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Monastery Stays

Most of the monasteries and religious communities within the diocese of Eichstätt offer young people, women, and men an opportunity to join in their day-to-day lives in their main residence or in specific residences such as provincial or regional houses.

This offer, which goes by a variety of names such as Temporary Monastic Stay or Silent Days, is intended to help interested persons and seekers find themselves and get closer to God in an atmosphere of silence and monastic community carried by prayer.

How the time in the monastery is spent often varies, e.g. on individual conversations, community elements, participation in work and prayer.

Further information can be requested from the individual contacts of the religious communities.

Leben wie die Mönche

Die Mönche der Benediktinerabtei Plankstetten bieten die Möglichkeit das klösterliche Leben einmal von "innen" zu erleben an. mehr...